If you're a newbie to the henna and herbal hair colors world, I bet you're certain that brown henna (whether it's dark brown, light brown or chocolate brown) exists...Well, there's nothing more wrong than that!
There's no brown henna, but you can dye your hair (even white hair!) brown (light, medium or dark) without any hints of red by using a specific herbal hair colors mix. Before we start, I suggest you to read this article: Dye your gray hair naturally using henna & herbal hair colors. It will help you get to know how the natural herbal hair colors work.
Does Brown Henna exist?
The "brown henna" you can find in many shops (whether it's mahogany brown or light brown or dark brown) is nothing more than a special mix of various herbal hair dyeing colors.
If you don't have gray hair and you only wish to highlight your natural shades of brown or to darken your light brown, well, maybe the ready-to-use mix, the so called "brown henna" may suit your needs, but it won't suit the needs of whoever wants to dye their white / grey hair dark brown.
You are certainly asking yourself "why is that?"... Well, it's simple: because we can't guess the exact percentages of the various herbal hair colors used in the ready-to-use henna mix sold as "brown henna".
If we want a perfect gray coverage we have to be able to choose ourselves the percentages of the herbal hair colors that we decided to use in our mix.
Why? Because if in the ready to use herbal hair colors mix there's not enough Lawsonia, our gray hair will remain gray or in the best case scenario it will become yellow-ish.
How to mix henna to dye your grey hair dark brown without any hints of red?
The problem with ready-to-use henna mixes ( light brown henna, dark brown henna, mahogany brown henna or simply brown henna) is that the result on gray regrowth is often disappointing: the white regrowth becomes orange, metallic, golden, yellow-ish... everything but a beautiful brown.
This happens because in the ready-to-use mix you used there's little Lawsonia (the only herbal hair color capable of covering gray hair) and not enough Katam or Indigo, herbal hair colors that help soften the red shade given by the Lawsonia and the final brown color you may get is often diluted because of the therapeutic and ayurvedic herbal powders that may be present in the pre-made henna mix. Too bad these herbs aren't helping in the process of dyeing grey hair brown as they are diluting too much the color.
What I really love about using herbal hair colors, it's that you can customize the color of your hair by creating your own homemade mix using customized percentages perfect to dye your gray hair and to get a beautiful brown color without any hints of red. But you'll be able to avoid the red hints in your hennaed brown hair only by finding the perfect percentage balance in your own homemade mix.
I talked about this topic in the video Dye your grey hair brown using henna & herbal hair colors that you can find down below.
The video tutorials are in Italian, but English subtitles are available!
These are the arguments I talk about in the video:
✓Henna on Gray Hair -- do you obtain red hair?
✓Pre-made mixes + Gray Hair: Satisfied or not?
✓Is it possible to obtain a Cold Brown Hair Color using henna & herbal hair colors?
✓Various percentages examples for various shades of brown
✓Application process: one or two steps?
✓What do you do if you're not satisfied with your color?
✓Various before-and-after examples with the percentages of herbal hair colors used
✓The results I obtained on my gray regrowth using different mixes and the step application process
✓An extra tip for who is at their first experience with henna & herbal hair colors.
In the article: Henna Doesn't Cover Gray Hair? BEFORE and AFTER photos you can find not only my experience, with BEFORE and AFTER photos, but other women' experiences: they wanted to share with me and you the beautiful brown colors they got on their gray hair using only henna and herbal hair colors.
You can watch the second part of the video linked above clicking on the video down below (remember to activate the english subtitles):
The video tutorials are in Italian, but English subtitles are available!
Keep in mind that you don't have to use exactly the same percentages I indicate in the video.
You have to use them as a starting point in order to customize your own henna mix to be able to obtain that unique brown color perfect for you.
You'll obtain an unique color because the way our natural hair color reacts to herbal hair colors is different from person to person and because the final brown color will be conditioned by your natural color (or by the chemical dyes you used previously), and even by your hair porosity.
Remember to ALWAYS make a test (you can keep the mix on only for only a couple of hours in this specific case) on a hidden strand of hair before dyeing the whole head. By doing so you avoid unpleasant surprises like having your hair dyed of a brown color you don't like (too light, too dark, too red or with weird highlights in case you previously bleached your hair).
I would very much like to know whether you managed to dye your grey hair brown and if you managed to find a mix that allows you to get a brown color without any hints of red.
If you would like to share your experience using henna and herbal hair colors, you can leave a comment down below.
If you still have doubts because you don't know if you have to use a ready-to-use brown henna mix or how to mix henna to obtain a customized mix in order to get a brown color on your grey hair, you can always send me an email at hello@beautiliciousdelights.com and I'll be happy to help.
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