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Organic Amla Natural Remedy for Hair Growth & Skin Whitening Cosmos Organic

Organic Amla Natural Remedy for Hair Growth & Skin Whitening Cosmos Organic

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Strengthening, Restorative e Enlightening

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Cosmos Organic Certified AMLA Powder

Is your hair weak and damaged? Does your skin look old?


thanks to its high quantity of vitamin C is a powerful natural remedy to ✓strengthen hair by giving it vigor and shine, and to ✓get a a fresh and whitening effect on our skin.

Strengthening. Tonic. Skin Whitening.

For strong hair and glowing skin!



also known as Indian gooseberry or Emblica Officinalis, is one of the most powerful strengthening ayurvedic herbs. If constantly used on our skin, it helps ✓fighting hair loss and ✓maintaining our hair shiny & healthy looking, while it’s an excellent natural anti-age natural remedy.

It works like a charm on oily skins and oily hair thanks to its purifying and astringent properties. It can fight dandruff and it can increase the shaft’s volume.

It has an antimicrobic, antibacterial and antifungal action on the scalp purifying it and promoting hair growth.

Amla (Emblica officinalishair benefits:

  • It stimulates hair growth
  • It strengthens our roots
  • It prevents hair weakness
  • It is shine-enhancing
  • It purifies our scalp and leaves it fresh
  • It alleviates scalp itch
  • It fights dandruff
  • It prevents hair loss
  • It gives strength to hair
  • It makes hair shaft look healthy and vigorous

Amla (Emblica officinalis- skin benefits:

  • refreshing and purifying on the skin
  • it is a great skin whitening natural remedy thanks to its high content of Vitamin C
  • it has an anti-age and antioxidant effect
  • it gives shine to lackluster skin
  • it is ideal for combination, impure and acneic skin
  • it helps fight psoriasis, dermatitis and eczemas

If used as a face mask, Amla leaves you with a fresh and radiant complexion!

It is used as a natural purifying, whitening and astringent mask on oily and impure skin because it helps balancing the sebum production, regenerating cells and strengthening natural skin defenses.

What makes us different? Our quality!

Our Amla powder is 100% pure and it leaves your hair shaft healthy, vigorous and shiny.

Due to its powerful anti-oxidant effect both on the skin and on the hair, Amla is the secret weapon for who has dry, frizzy, dull, fragile, weak or damaged hair and for those of you that feel that your skin and your hair is stressed, especially when the seasons change.

    Use Amla powder, 100% natural remedy for hair growth & skin whitening!


    Available in 100g - 3.05 OZ bags

    Ingredienti: Emblica Officinalis Fruit Powder

    100% chemical additives-free!

    It is a healing ayurvedic herb, 100% pure. It derives from the Amla’s fruit that is dried and then powdered. It’s often called “Indian gooseberry” or Amalaki. Its light brown powder has a slightly acidic odor similar to the berries’ odor.

    Amla powder is one of the most complete sources of vitamin C that can be found in Nature. It contains proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins A, B and E, iron, manganese, tannins (emblicanin A and B, punigluconin and pedunculagin), flavonoids and precious acids like gallic and ellagic acids..

    Thanks to the synergy among its components, Amla has a powerful anti-oxidant effect and a strengthening and anti-ageing action.


    Nota bene!

    Since it contains a high percentage of tannins, it must be used only AFTER having done a trial test on a hidden strand of hair because it could darken your hair color or make your hair highlights disappear.

          How to use

          For external use ONLY!

          Do an allergy test on the upper part of your inner arm (at the crook of the elbow) 48 hours before applying it. Subjects predisposed to develop allergies can have an allergic reaction, even if the product is 100% natural.

          Nota bene!

          Since it contains a high percentage of tannins, it must be used only AFTER having done a test on a hidden strand of hair because it could darken your hair color or make your hair highlights disappear.

          Hair Care:

          based on your hair needs, you can mix AMLA powder with water or flaxseeds gel.

          Right quantities:

          Depending on how long and how thick your hair is, you can use about:

          • 30-50 grams if you have short hair
          • 70-100 grams if you have long hair


          • Add warm water to AMLA powder little by little and let the powder absorb it
          • Stir it vigorously until you obtain a homogenous mix with a consistency like a yoghurt
          • If your mix has lumps, use a blender
          • After 5 minutes, spread and massage the mix on your scalp, delicately, for a few minutes
          • Then spread the remaining mix on your hair lengths
          • To increase amla’s purifying effect on the scalp, you can leave the mix sit on your hair for about 30 minutes, after you covered your head with film
          • Rinse your hair with abundant cool water
          • Use a little conditioner on your lengths and do an acid rinse with cold water and vinegar to obtain vaporous and shiny hair

          Skin care:

          • Amla can be applied on your clean face as a purifying and enlightening mask. You can let it sit on your skin for 15 minutes. Rinse with water, apply your usual skin tonic and your hydrating mask.

            Close the bag tightly after use. Keep out of the reach of children. Store away from air, heat, light, and moisture.

            Use Amla, 100% natural remedy for hair growth & skin whitening!



              Amla - Emblica Officinalis -

              is indicated for all hair and skin types. In particular, oily, weak, damaged and frizzy hair can benefit from it, but oily, dull, tired and old skin can too.

              It’s a healing and ayurvedic herb, 100% pure that purifies your scalp and helps fighting dandruff.

              It also gives vitality and strength to weak hair. It gives you vigorous, shiny and soft hair.

              It is the treatment that helps you give natural strength to your hair and that makes your skin look fresh and shiny thanks to its antioxidant effect.

              You can create super-synergies by adding hydrated fenugreek gel to your amla powder, to have a powerful hair-loss preventing action. Or you can mix it with SIDR and honey to have a moisturizing effect on dehydrated and dry hair lengths.

              Scalp masks help strengthening the hair shaft, stimulate hair growth and give you soft and strong hair!

              Your hair roots will be stronger, and your hair will be noticeably more voluminous and shinier!

              Hair dyeing tips!

              Amla has a highly acid PH hence it shouldn’t be added to herbal hair colors mixes that contain Katam or Indigo because these two herbs release their dyeing pigment only in a basic environment. If you add amla to Katam or Indigo, the color release won’t be satisfying.

              Who wants to obtain a highlight-free black hair color (as you know, Indigo gives blue highlights to your hair while Katam gives purple highlights to your hair) can apply an Amla-only mix after the henna dyeing. Find out more about this topic in this blog post: Dark Purple Hair, Blue Black Hair or Jet Black Hair using Katam or Indigo powder?

              Moreover, Amla soothes the scalp and has an astringent action on your skin, resulting in a purified and shiny skin.

              If you add it to your Lawsonia mix, it can tone down Lawsonia’s coppery/orange tone and it could darken your color.

              Use Amla, 100% natural remedy for hair growth & skin whitening!


                Frequently Asked Questions:


                Walnut powder, Katam or Indigo? Which one should I add to my herbal hair colors mix?

                The answer is in this video:

                The video tutorials are in Italian, but English subtitles are available!

                or read the dedicated blog post:

                Dark Purple Hair, Blue Black Hair or Jet Black Hair using Katam or Indigo powder?

                Use Amla, 100% natural remedy for hair growth & skin whitening!


                 --> The video has English subtitles, remember to turn them ON!



                Recommended to:

                Strengthen weak, damaged and frizzy hair

                Give vigor and body to thin and flat hair

                Revitalize chemically dyed hair

                Balance the sebum production on oily skin & scalp

                Purify combination and impure skin

                Retrieve your fresh and shiny complexion




                ✓ Tonic

                ✓ Shine-enhancing

                ✓ Anti-oxudant

                ✓ Astringent

                ✓ Anti-dandruff


                Main features:

                - 100% pure

                - It does NOT contain ammonia, metallic salts, PPD's or any unlisted ingredients

                - Consistency of talcum powder

                - Easy to apply and rinse off


                Bring your hair back to life with Nature's help!

                View full details

                Collapsible content



                conosciuta anche come Uva Spina Indiana o Emblica Officinalis, è una delle più potenti erbe ayurvediche rinforzanti. Il suo utilizzo constante sulla cute aiuta a ✓combattere la caduta dei capelli e ✓a mantenere la brillantezza dei capelli, mentre sulla pelle è un ottimo rimedio naturale antiage rigenerante. 

                Vero toccasana per i capelli e per le pelli grasse grazie alle sue proprietà ✓purificanti e ✓astringenti, riesce a combattere la forfora e a fornire maggiore volume al fusto.

                Svolge sul cuoio capelluto un'attività antimicrobica, antibatterica e antifungina, purificandolo e promuovendo la crescita dei capelli. 

                Amla (Emblica officinalis)- benefici per i capelli:

                stimola la crescita dei capelli

                rafforza le radici

                previene la fragilità dei capelli 

                dona lucentezza

                purifica la cute, lasciandola rinfrescata

                sfiamma e allevia il prurito

                combatte la forfora

                previene la caduta dei capelli

                rinforza e dona vigore ai capelli

                lascia il fusto sano e vigoroso

                Amla (Emblica officinalis)- benefici per la pelle:

                rinfrescante e purificante sulla pelle

                dall'azione antiage e antiossidante

                illumina la pelle dal colorito spento

                ideale per pelli miste, impure, acneiche

                aiuta a combattere la psoriasi, le dermatiti e le eczeme

                Usata come maschera viso, l'Amla regala una carnagione fresca e radiosa!

                Sulla pelle impura e grassa viene utilizzata come rimedio naturale purificante e astringente per regolarizzare la produzione di sebo, per rigenerare le cellule e rafforzare le difese naturali della pelle.

                Cosa ci differenzia? La qualità!

                La nostra amla è 100% pura, lasciando il fusto sano, vigoroso e luminoso.

                Dalla potente attività antiossidante sia sulla cute che sulla pelle, l'Amla è l'asso nella manica sopratutto nel caso di capelli secchi, crespi, opachi, fragili, deboli o rovinati o comunque nei cambi di stagione o d'estate, quando tendiamo a stressare di più sia la nostra pelle che i capelli.

                L'Amla, una coccola al 100% naturale rigenerante per la tua pelle e per la tua chioma! 


                Disponibile in confezioni da 100g

                Ingredienti: Emblica Officinalis Fruit Powder

                Polveri certificate Cosmos Organic, testate per i pesticidi e i metalli pesanti. Carica Batterica Abbattuta, Accertata Assenza di Patogeni: sanificazione delle polveri attraverso sterilizzazione a vapore. 

                100% senza additivi chimici o qualsiasi altro ingrediente non indicato nell'elenco degli ingredienti

                Erba ayurvedica curativa, 100% pura, viene ricavata dalla frutta secca e macinata dell'albero di Amla. Viene spesso chiamata anche "uva spina indiana" o Amalaki. La polvere dal colore marrone chiaro, ha un odore leggermente acidulo che ricorda i frutti di bosco.

                Una delle fonti più complete di vitamina C che esistono in natura, l'Amla contiene proteine, carboidrati, quasi tutte le vitamine del gruppo B, la vitamina A e E, il ferro, il manganese,  tannini (emblicanina A e B, la punigluconina e la pedunculagina), flavonoidi e preziosi acidi quali il gallico e l'ellagico. 

                Grazie alla sinergia che si crea tra i suoi vari componenti, l'Amla deve la sua spiccata proprietà antiossidante e l'azione anti-aging e rinforzante.

                SOLO PER USO ESTERNO!

                Nota bene!

                Contiene un'alta percentuale di tannini quindi va usata solo DOPO aver fatto un test di prova su una ciocca di capelli nascosta perché potrebbe scurire leggermente il colore o appiattire i riflessi.

                How to Use

                Modo d'uso

                SOLO per uso esterno

                Effettua la prova di sensibilità cutanea nell'incavo del braccio 48 ore prima dell'applicazione. In soggetti predisposti, è sempre possibile una reazione allergica anche se il prodotto è 100% naturale.

                Nota bene!

                L'amla va usata solo DOPO aver fatto un test di prova su una ciocca di capelli nascosta. Può variare il colore dei capelli scurendoli leggermente o "appiattendo" i riflessi.

                Cura dei capelli:

                a seconda delle esigenze dei capelli, mescolare la polvere di AMLA con acqua o gel di semi di lino.

                Quantità da usare:

                A seconda della lunghezza e di quanto spessi siano i capelli, usare all'incirca:  

                50grammi capelli corti

                100grammi capelli lunghi

                Ogni quanto: 1 volta a settimana 


                • 100% natural products

                • Quality always guaranteed

                • Personalized advice

                • Free shipping over €69.99

                • EXTRA discounts over €125

                • Characteristics

                  ✓ Erba ayurvedica 100% pura

                  ✓ Pregiata qualità 

                  ✓ Priva di ammoniaca, sali metallici, perossidi, picramato

                  ✓ Consistenza fine del talco

                  ✓ Facile da applicare e da sciacquare

                • Property

                  ✓ Rinforzante

                  ✓ Ricostituente

                  ✓ Lucidante

                  ✓ Antiossidante



                • Recommended for

                  ✓ rinforzare i capelli fragili, rovinati e sfibrati

                  ✓ dare vigore e maggiore corposità ai capelli fini e sottili

                  ✓ rivitalizzare i capelli trattati chimicamente

                  ✓ sebo-regolarizzare la produzione di sebo nella cute e pelle grassa

                  ✓ purificare la pelle mista e impura

                  ✓ ritrovare una carnagione fresca e luminosa