Organic Fenugreek (Methi) Natural Remedy for Hair Growth & Glowing Skin Cosmos Organic
Organic Fenugreek (Methi) Natural Remedy for Hair Growth & Glowing Skin Cosmos Organic
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Cosmos Organic Certified Methi Powder
Your hair is thin and fragile? Do you have spotted and lifeless skin?
Fenugreek (Methi),
is an effective and fantastic natural remedy that can be used as a mask ✓to prevent hair loss, ✓to stimulate hair growth and ✓to tone the skin when used ✓as an anti-age face mask.
Revitalizing. Shine-enhancing. Antiage.
For silky hair and glowing skin!
Fenugreek (Methi) powder
is the ultimate healing ayurvedic herb for hair and skin care! It has been used as a hair-loss preventing mask since ancient times. It has been used as a strengthening hair mask, and it’s also used to make hair more resistant, because of the high quantity of phytoestrogens in it. It is used on the skin as an anti-age and revitalizing mask thanks to its tonic effect.
Fenugreek (Methi) powder - skin benefits:
- it moisturizes skin leaving it soft and elastic
- it helps cellular renovation
- it has an anti-age, revitalizing and tonic effect
- it helps healing acne and dark skin spots
- it helps with water retention.
Fenugreek (Methi) powder - hair benefits:
- It prevents hair-loss because of a high percentage of phytoestrogens
- It stimulates hair growth
- It is moisturizing and conditioning because of a high quantity of mucilages
- It has an anti-inflammatory and purifying action on the scalp
- It is anti-dandruff
- It helps balancing the sebum production
- It gives volume and body to the hair shaft
- It leaves the hair silky and glossy.
Rich in mucilages, fenugreek powder is known for its exceptional soothing and moisturizing properties.
In case of cutaneous inflammations, used as a poultice, fenugreek is a delicate natural remedy, thanks to its soothing and revitalizing effect on the skin.
What makes us different? Our quality!
Our Fenugreek powder is 100% pure and it leaves hair moisturized, shining and soft!
Use METHI powder for silky hair and glowing skin!
Available in 100g (3.50 OZ) bags.
Ingredients: Trigonella Foenum-Graecum Seed Powder
100% chemical additives-free!
Fenugreek (Methi) is a precious plant in the family Fabaceae. One of the oldest species to be cultivated in Egypt, India and Morocco.
It is an ayurvedic healing herb, 100% pure. The methi powder is obtained from its seeds that contain: trigonelline (characteristic of Fenugreek), lots of mucilages, proteins, flavonoids, saponins, lipids, vitamins, iron, and mineral salts (manganese, silicon, calcium, phosphorus).
Nota bene!
It shouldn’t be used by:
✓pregnant women, because it stimulates uterine contractions
✓subjects under hormonal therapies
✓subjects predisposed to develop allergies
✓overweight people
How to use
Do an allergy test on the upper part of your inner arm (at the crook of the elbow) 48 hours before applying it. Subjects predisposed to develop allergies can have an allergic reaction, even if the product is 100% natural.
It shouldn’t be used by:
✓pregnant women, because it stimulates uterine contractions
✓subjects under hormonal therapies
✓subjects predisposed to develop allergies
✓overweight people
It is important to follow the fenugreek powder hydration instructions thoroughly to make sure that the powder is perfectly hydrated otherwise it would absorb water from your hair or skin while you have the methi powder on your hair.
How much fenugreek powder to hydrate:
The hydration process is quite long and laborious so we suggest you hydrate a bigger amount of powder (like in the instructions below) that you can subsequently put it in your freezer and then use it, unfrozen, when you need it (for a hair or skin mask).
- Add to a tablespoon of powder, 200-350 grams of strictly hot water.
- Water must be added little by little, and mixed vigorously.
- The complete hydration of the powder is reached after letting the mix sit at room temperature for 12 hours tops (not more!). During summer it’s important to let the mix sit in a cool place or to let it sit for fewer hours in order not to ruin it and kill its properties.
- The final consistency should be like a gel consistency, easy to apply on hair or skin.
- Let the mask sit for a minimum of 15 minutes (on your face) to a maximum of 1 hour (on your hair).
- Rinse with warm water.
- Watch the video tutorial here: subs available)
NB: the quantity of water needed to create a perfect methi mix can vary depending on the external temperature.
Close the bag tightly after use. Keep out of the reach of children. Store away from air, heat, light, and moisture.
Read the dedicated blog post: Fenugreek (Methi) Helps Preventing Hair Loss Naturally? Preparation, Tips and Properties!
Use METHI powder for silky hair and glowing skin!
Fenugreek (Methi) powder is indicated for all skin and hair types.
Fenugreek is an ayurvedic healing herb, 100% pure, that helps strengthening hair and that stimulates hair growth. It leaves the hair moisturized, voluminous, soft and silky.
It helps purifying the scalp and has a tonic and anti-age effect on skin, leaving it shiny and even.
Fenugreek does not contain dyeing molecules so it DOESN’T affect hair color and you can use it on chemically dyed hair, too, without risking weird color mixes.
It has a particular odor, similar to licorice, that you either love or hate. It is strong and spicy! Fenugreek can be mixed with other herbs to customize your ayurvedic care.
Why should you use Fenugreek?
On hair:
- Hair-loss preventing hair mask: apply the hydrated gel on clean hair & scalp and let it sit for one hour.
- Washing shampoo/mask (if used mixed with other washing flours/herbs like SIDR):
- It's an incredible wetting and moisturizing ingredient if mixed with other herbs. You can use it instead of water in your henna mix and it will help preventing hair dryness. If you want to use fenugreek instead of water, just remember to create a more fluid mix, similar to a frying batter in order to avoid a too much diluted final hair color.
- Strengthening hair mask: you can add Cassia or Amla to your Fenugreek mix to implement its strengthening properties.
On the scalp:
- Soothing scalp mask: add honey to your hydrated fenugreek gel and then apply it on your scalp by massaging carefully. It’s ideal for sore and sensitive skin.
On your face or body skin:
- Toning and revitalizing anti-age mask: it’s ideal for mature skin, even stressed skin. Apply the mix on your face by massaging it slowly. Keep it on for 10-15 minutes. It leaves your skin firm, with a glossy complexion and helps with dark spots. Rinse it with plenty of water.
- Purifying face mask: thanks to its decongestant properties, it’s ideal for those who have acne or impurities: add to your fenugreek gel a drop of tea-tree essential oil and a teaspoon of honey. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes. Rinse it with plenty of water.
- Sebum-balancing skin mask for oily and impure skins: Add to your fenugreek gel a teaspoon of Amla powder, and a drop of rosemary essential oil. It gives skin a matte effect and it moisturizes it. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes. Rinse it with plenty of water.
- Toning mask to erase imperfections due to water retention. Massage the hydrated fenugreek gel on the interested areas for 10-15 minutes. Thanks to its draining effect, it works wonders on skin imperfections.
Frequently Asked Questions:
- Can I use fenugreek straight away, without following the instructions you gave in the “How to use” page?
No. Fenugreek powder needs to be hydrated and it requires a lot of water. If you don’t hydrate it as instructed, it will absorb water from your hair or your skin after you applied it leaving it feeling dry.
- Does fenugreek dye hair?
No, the methi powder doesn’t contain dyeing molecules.
- I can’t stand fenugreek’s odor, I find it repulsing, what can I do?
Always do an acid rinse to remove the smell from your hair: Shiny & Soft Hair with an Acid Rinse: Apple Vinegar or Lemon?
Or, as an alternative, to cover its smell you can use scented hair-styling products or leave-in sprays, like Beautilicious Delights hair spray, available in two versions: anti-frizz & volumizing.
- Does fenugreek wash hair? Can I use it alone to wash my hair?
It’s a highly subjective thing that also depends on how dirty our hair is. We suggest you to use it combined with other washing herbs because it doesn’t contain many saponins.
If you prepare it in the right way and if you manage to obtain the mucilages release, Fenugreek will make your hair silky, shiny, soft, vaporous and most of all moisturized. If you are using Fenugreek as a hair mask to prevent hair loss, it would be ideal to use it combined with fenugreek caps. But, before you start using fenugreek (methi), I suggest you talk to your doctor and be sure not to be in one of the categories indicated in the contraindications list.
Use METHI for silky hair and glowing skin!
Recommended to:
give volume to fine, thin hair
strengthen weak hair
revitalize chemically dyed hair
lighten up tired and stressed skin
balance the sebum production in oily skins
✓ Volumizing
✓ Shine-enhancing
✓ Hair-Loss preventing
✓ Revitalizing
✓ Soothing
Main features:
- 100% pure
- It does NOT contain ammonia, metallic salts, PPD's or any unlisted ingredients
- Consistency of talcum powder
- Easy to apply and rinse off
Bring your hair back to life with Nature's help!
Collapsible content
Il Fieno Greco (Methi)
è l'erba ayurvedica per eccellenza per la cura dei capelli e della pelle! Dall'antichità viene usato come impacco anticaduta capelli, per rinforzarli e renderli più sani e corposi grazie all'alto contenuto di fitoestrogeni. Sulla pelle viene utilizzato come rimedio naturale antiage rivitalizzante grazie al suo effetto tonificante ed elasticizzante.
Fieno Greco (Methi)- benefici per la pelle:
idrata la pelle, donandole morbidezza ed elasticità
favorisce il rinnovamento cellulare
svolge un'azione antiage, rassodante e tonificante
combatte l'acne e le macchie cutanee
contrasta la ritenzione idrica
Fieno Greco (Methi)- benefici per i capelli:
combatte la caduta dei capelli grazie alla presenza di una grande quantità di fitoestrogeni
stimola la crescita dei capelli
idratante e condizionante dei capelli grazie all'alta percentuale di mucillagini
svolge un'azione anti-infiammatoria e purificante sul cuoio capelluto
combatte la forfora
seboregolarizza la produzione di sebo
da maggiore volume e corposità al fusto
lascia i capelli setosi e lucidi
Ricco in mucillagini, il fieno greco è noto per le sue eccezionali proprietà lenitive e idratanti.
Nel caso delle infiammazioni cutanee è un ottimo rimedio naturale utilizzato come cataplasma grazie all'azione emolliente e rivitalizzante svolta sulla pelle.
Cosa ci differenzia? La qualità!
Il nostro fieno greco è 100% puro, lasciando i capelli luminosi, idratati e morbidi !
Usa il METHI per ottenere una chioma setosa e la pelle luminosa!
Disponibile in confezioni da 100g
Polvere di FIENO GRECO BIO certificata Cosmos Organic, testata per i pesticidi e i metalli pesanti. Carica Batterica Abbattuta, Accertata Assenza di Patogeni: sanificazione delle polveri attraverso sterilizzazione a vapore.
Ingredienti: Trigonella Foenum-Graecum Seed Powder
100% senza additivi chimici o qualsiasi altro ingrediente non indicato nell'elenco degli ingredienti
Il fieno greco (Methi) è una pregiata pianta erbacea della famiglia delle Fabaceae, una delle specie più antiche coltivate in Egitto, India o Marocco.
Erba ayurvedica curativa, 100% pura, viene ricavata dai semi della pianta i quali contengono la trigonellina (molecola attiva caratteristica del fieno greco), tantissime mucillagini, proteine, flavonoidi, saponine, lipidi, vitamine, ferro, e sali minerali (manganese, silicio, calcio e fosforo).
Controindicazioni! Non va usato da:
✓donne in gravidanza, in quanto può stimolare le contrazioni uterine
✓soggetti che seguono terapie ormonali
✓soggetti predisposti ad allergie
✓persone che hanno sofferto di cancro ormono-sensibile
✓persone in sovrappeso
How to Use
Modo d'uso
SOLO per uso esterno.
Effettua la prova di sensibilità cutanea nell'incavo del braccio 48 ore prima dell'applicazione. In soggetti predisposti, è sempre possibile una reazione allergica anche se il prodotto è 100% naturale.
Controindicazioni! Non va usato da:
✓donne in gravidanza, in quanto può stimolare le contrazioni uterine
✓soggetti che seguono terapie ormonali
✓soggetti predisposti ad allergie
✓persone in sovrappeso
E' importante idratare come da istruzioni la polvere di fieno greco (methi) per assicurare l'apertura totale della polvere e per evitare che in seguito, durante il tempo di posa, si idrati assorbendo acqua dai nostri capelli o dalla nostra pelle .
Quantità da idratare:
Il processo di idratazione del fieno greco è alquanto lungo e laborioso quindi consigliamo di idratare una maggiore quantità di polvere (come quella indicata qui sotto) che andrà congelata in piccole porzioni e in seguito scongelate a seconda dell'esigenza da soddisfare (maschera pelle o capelli).
100% natural products
Quality always guaranteed
Personalized advice
Free shipping over €69.99
EXTRA discounts over €125
✓ Erba ayurvedica 100% pura
✓ Pregiata qualità
✓ Priva di ammoniaca, sali metallici, perossidi, picramato
✓ Consistenza fine del talco
✓ Facile da applicare e da sciacquare
✓ Volumizzante
✓ Lucidante
✓ Anticaduta
✓ Rivitalizzante
✓ Lenitiva
Recommended for
✓ dare volume ai capelli fini, sottili
✓ rinforzare i capelli rovinati, sfibrati
✓ rivitalizzare i capelli trattati chimicamente
✓ illuminare la pelle stanca e segnata
✓ sebo-regolarizzare la produzione di sebo nella cute e pelle grassa